A13_ Public Space and Stands in ARCO (2002)

Ephemeral architectures ‘ARCO’02’.
International Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid.
Architectural design of all public spaces within the fair: common areas, public stands, chill out areas, information points, etc.
Highly published project that has enjoyed a remarkable popularity.

Information Points ‘ARCO Info Points’: Inflatable and portable structures that serve as furniture and architectural landmark for information to attendees and point of sale.
Co-designed with Inflate UK. ‘The Written Word’: Exhibition space for art magazines, publications and publishers dedicated to contemporary art.
Co-designed with Pablo Valbuena. Botanical Art Chill Out: Mini pavilion in the shape of a vegetal “cocoon” with integrated fiber optic installation, used as a chill out area.
Co-designed with Ximo Lizana. Stand ‘El Mundo’ stand: Rest area or “chill out”, used as a stand for the newspaper and magazine ‘El Mundo’*. Live TV set and stand: inflatable and portable architectural design of a small but smart and practical TV set.
Co-designed with Inflate UK*.  

IFEMA Madrid, Spain.




* Not Performed


Publications on this project:

www.vimeo.com (1)

www.vimeo.com (2)

www.vimeo.com (3)

www.shift.jp.org (Japan)


www.elpais.com (1)

www.elpais.com (2)

