A53_ Studio Office and Apartment in Benimaclet (2013)
Office-Studio and Apartment for an architect in Benimaclet. Comprehensive reform and new open plan design. The previous distribution, partitions and installations were completely demolished, and a new open plan project was made from scratch. In addition, industrial...
A29_ Offices of Ihren Ingenieros (2007)
Professional engineering office. Rehabilitation of two old offices (which become a single space), with complete demolition of the entire interior, and new interior design and avant-garde lighting project. La Vall d’Uixó, Castellón, Spain. Collaboration with...
A28_ Fuencarral Market Headquarters (2006)
Mercado de Fuencarral’, corporate office and headquarters of a new and avant-garde shopping center in Valencia. Integral interior design project, lighting project, industrial design of furniture and corporate design, as well as design of the new elevation and...